Monday, November 19, 2012


I had the chance to spend some time with my fabulous friends, Holly and Ashley, this weekend! We laugh non stop, fit so many fun things into a short weekend and enjoy every second of just being together! God has blessed me with these friends!

We were walking out to my dad's truck, which I decided to take this weekend because it's big, and I was digging through my purse for my keys. You know that feeling? I was getting panicked and I couldn't find them anywhere in my small purse. Ashley then tells me I couldn't find them because they were ON THE DRIVER'S SEAT! What? Holly started trying to flag d own the security car that was circling the parking lot. Finally, she called them and was told they couldn't do much other than bring us some numbers for a locksmith. Great, there's about $50 lost to stupidity...We prayed we would get someone nice who could help us. I even said I wouldn't judge anyone who could help us "break in" our truck!

Then, this man came by to get to his truck parked next to ours. He was saying excuse me when Holly told him we were in no rush since our keys were locked in the truck. He then asked if we needed a wire hanger because he had one in his truck! He had cleaned it out a couple weeks ago and left it inside in case someone  may need one to get into their car. He even helped Holly get the door unlocked. I hadn't closed the door all the way, so it was open enough to slide it in! While we let Holly work her magic with this man's help, Ashley prayed with JJ. Minutes later, the door was unlocked! I seriously did a little happy dance in the lot! We were praising God! The man had a fish sticker on his truck and a cross hanging from his mirror. He kept telling us, "God bless you!"

God really used this what felt like a horrible situation to show me how sovereign He just is! God is still working miracles and using his people to help others! We even talked that maybe he was an angel! I'll admit it, I was watching his truck as we pulled away thinking it would just disappear!

Ever experienced an angel yourself?

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

What's been going on...

JJ and I packed up once again and headed back up to Maryland to spend some time with family and friends before James finishes AIT and we head to South Carolina. JJ is getting totally spoiled and will need a detox once we get settled in SC!

I have been getting some custom made orders for RASberry Designs and even sold some already  made jewelry at a vendor show this past weekend! It's exciting to me because I love making jewelry! It's my therapy! Check out my facebook page and like it if you haven't yet!!/pages/RASberry-Designs/242572019152647

This past weekend, I got to see my sisters and families! It was really nice catching up! My oldest nephew, Nathanael is very techno savvy. I was asking his advice on how to expand my jewelry customers. He gave me some great tips, and I am currently adding Instagram to my phone and will be starting a vlog soon! Vlog, you ask? I asked as well. This is like a blog, but you do it on youtube. So, he thinks I should start a vlog on my thrift store finds! Well, I think I may just do that!

I am in charge of the Thanksgiving menu this year, which really excites me because I love meal planning and cooking! It's great having people to cook for again!

This is the fun blue scarf I bought in a little shop in Alabama called Jo Jo's! The owner is a retired Army pilot!

 J decked out in pjs and his new hat and mittens!

 New contacts!
 J made this in class (at home) for the color yellow!
I got to sit in the back with J this weekend, and he kept reaching for my hand!
 J's first taste of Nutella went well! He scarfed it down quick!

I threw this together this morning and love how it turned out!

That's what's been going on in our lives! 17 more days of AIT for James!